


Titanium Sands Limited (“TSL”) is pleased to announce the progression of the approval processes for its Mannar Heavy Mineral Project in Sri Lanka, following the release by the CEA of the Terms of Reference for the Mannar Island Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA).

Central Environment Authority (CEA) has provided the Terms of Reference (ToR) for the environmental assessment of the Mannar Heavy Mineral Project following site visits and input from 35 regulatory bodies and government departments
The ToR contains the requirements for the environmental studies for an Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA)
On completion of the EIA, the Geological Survey and Mines Bureau (GSMB) will then be in a position to issue an Industrial Mining License (IML) for the Project
The ToR outlines environmental, heritage, social and economic requirements necessary for GSMB approval of the IML
TSL is focused on delivering economic benefits to the people of Mannar, through job creation and generational wealth, while preserving cultural heritage and protecting the environment

The release of the ToR on 20 March 2025 followed a series of CEA meetings and presentations, culminating in the Scoping Presentation on 22 August 2024 and the Scoping Site Visit on 19 February 2025 by stakeholders in the Project. Submissions made by stakeholders at both the scoping meetings have been included in the ToR which forms the basis of the requirements of the EIA.

TSL’s Managing Director, Dr James Searle said“the release of the ToR is a significant step forward in the regulatory approvals process for this Project. The Project will deliver a high-grade mineral sands operation that will create significant employment opportunities and become a source of wealth for local communities, as well as a significant boost in revenues to the Government of Sri Lanka.

TSL is focused on delivering a low impact environmentally friendly project, with the highest levels of social awareness and inclusion. As heavy minerals have been mined for decades on the Sri Lankan mainland, TSL looks forward to building on the size and quality of the industry making a significant impact to the economic benefits of Sri Lanka”.

Next Steps


The ToR has been prepared on input from 35 departments and regulatory bodies within Sri Lanka’s Government. TSL’s EIA consultants will be required to address the following as outlined in the ToR:

Overview of the proposed project and reasonable alternatives
Report on existing environment and surrounds
Report on anticipated environmental impacts
Prepare an Environmental Management Plan (EMP) and monitoring program
Assess all aspects of nature and wildlife restrictions
Host community consultation and engagement.

The ToR also requires a report on any areas beyond the project site where there is potential for environmental impacts.

Environmental Impact Assessment

The EIA process will commence immediately. The EIA consultants will now be in a position to prepare a draft EIA to address the requirements of the ToR. The EIA will address baseline and impact assessments, mitigation measures and proposed strategies and management plans culminating in an efficient and environmentally successful project. The final EIA submission for GSMB review and approval is expected mid 2025, with support from government agencies and community groups.

As part of the EIA process, community consultation and comment will be undertaken with Mannar communities ensuring any other issues or concerns are addressed in the EIA.

Recent meetings with all of CEA, GSMB and Board of Investment (BoI) in Sri Lanka have led to the understanding that on completion of the EIA, formal IML approval would be granted in a timely manner.

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